Apr 20, 2009

Ready, Set, ...Blog!

Hi! this is my new blog.

I really like this idea of writing and posting in a Blog. Nowadays is very common for people to write down their ideas and experiences and share them with the world. And I wasn't the exception. Through my "Internet life" I've written four Blogs on various topics.

One was a Blog with lots of information about new software , and of course, external download links (or "piracy" if you prefer the more colloquial therm). It was very visited, but I stopped updating it, so I closed it after a few months.

Another Blog I had has now a very special flavor for me. It contained information about my band, and some passages in my life that I consider important, but suddenly, that Blog had to change its scheme to serve as a host for the British Culture class. The reason was that someone had deleted some vital information from the class E-Mail. I had backed up those files in my computer, so I posted them in my Blog and told my classmates to go and download from there everything they needed. Everything was fine until an anonymous message was left in the class E-Mail. It pointed me as the one who had deleted the information from the class E-Mail because I supposedly wanted to make my Blog more popular and visited. I was very surprised and upset firstly, because I didn't deleted the information, and secondly, because my intention was to help my classmates.

That was a very "freak" experience that I wouldn't want to repeat. That's why this Blog is a new opportunity for me to express myself again (and with no interruptions this time). Feel free to comment and WELCOME.

... PS. OH!, I almost forgot. Do you know why is this blog called Chords?, ok, here's the answer. Every week, one post will contain a piece of a song played by me, and recorded by me. The song I chose is for this week's "Chords' Clip" is Prime Time from The Alan Parsons Project. ENJOY!


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