Jun 13, 2009

In The City, Chapter One

Chapter One

There's something in everyone of us that makes us special and we don't always notice that. We tend to think only in ourselves and I don't blame us. We've been culturally raised for being individuals, and that's it. But when I reminisce about what had happened in my life, I recognize a big moment, a moment when I stopped thinking about myself, that's when she looked at me.

Gorgeous greenish eyes. Serious and clever, funny and diverting too. Someone with whom I felt comfortable with. Someone to listen, and someone who I could talk to. By the time I woke up... I was in love. Nothing will ever be the same since that day...

I was a child then. My eyes were discovering a new world. The subway, the college, my bed and my bread, everything was new, even my heart. I learned to live with my new family. Mom and Dad were there, and my "I don't want you to be my" sister was there too. She became my support and my friend.

My "sis" and I shared many things. We learned from each other. The night was the veil that covered the livings we spitted out during long "tertulias". I became a "Listener", the first step for what would happen afterwards. But during the following weeks, I received an unpleasant visit from my old self...


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