Nov 3, 2009

In The City, Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Suddenly, I stopped being a child. My old self came into me and took control of my body. I did not wanted that to happen, but it did. Anger, Jealousy, and a pile of extreme emotions started to flourish. I noticed it when She told me she met someone. I knew she was very social, way more social than I ever was, but I could not control those feelings back then.

I started an inner struggle at that time. I had to fight the fiercest demons. The same demons that have been knocking me down since I could even remember. But she was a reason for winning the battle. I knew she did not realize that I had such a problem going on within me, until one day... a day when I finally asked for a hand for help and some bits of inspiration.

I had overlooked her and the ways in which she could have helped me in my struggle... big mistake. At least, I realized just in time that I was wrong. I cried. She was there. Hearing me, hugging me, giving me hope, cuddles... I felt alive again. The demons were pacified.

I first said: "I won the battle", but soon after I understood and thought: "We... have won the battle"
I learned that she was special, and I can not overlook her presence nor her words of healing anymore. I was about to need her...


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