Nov 12, 2009

In The City, Chapter Four

Chapter Four

I had the best experience of my life. Traveling to another country and meeting the woman that could awake such wonderful feelings in me. She changed me for good. I still thank god for it. Although nothing is going to be the way it was up in The City, I know I can build up something even better than that. It is simple. And just because we are together, the things will be getting to a point where love can be soiled.

I know I love her. It was destiny who join us. And it was destiny that prepared the way up to the
point of loving her. Destiny encouraged me to get this far, pushing me to see what I had in front of me. To Love her today is to feel alive today. I have now a reason to live my life.

This story was built from love. First I Listened to her, then I Overlooked at her, after that I Valued what we had, and finally I felt Encouraged by destiny. Listen, Overlook, Value, and Encourage means LOVE.

I hope and I encourage everyone who read this to put your life for that special person. Do not let anything bad happens to that person. Fight for her or for him, just do whatever it takes... it won't be in vain. For her I can write stories, walk miles and miles, suffer pain, humble myself, cry rivers, do what I thought I could not do...I can make her my heart, and without her I'd die...

In The City I knew her, and then loved her...

The End


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