Nov 7, 2009

In The City, Chapter Three

Chapter Three

So everything went great from then on. The feelings were flying around and there was me, ready to keep those feelings... she kept them to. We started feeling something for each other. Innocence and humbleness, passion and tenderness; Love was filled with those.

Our lives finally touched, our ways suddenly were one, and there were no distances between our hearts. It seemed that the light existed only for illuminating our path. We discovered each other, and we needed each other... the circumstances helped, in a way, but I knew at that time that what we had was something worth saving and keeping, like a glass of water in a desert, I was holding on to it.

Troubles raged though, but instead of split us, the storms of problems just make us stick more to each other. We lived so many special scenes, it was a dream, one of those good dreams you do not want to wake up from. But the greatest thing was that the dream was as real as my feelings for her.

When I realized of the wonderful experiences we had, I started to thank god, my destiny, my karma, or whatever the power that controls ours paths, the opportunity to meet her, and being with her. When you value love more than anything else in your world, we are more human and more alive than ever...


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