Nov 12, 2009

In The City, Chapter Four

Chapter Four

I had the best experience of my life. Traveling to another country and meeting the woman that could awake such wonderful feelings in me. She changed me for good. I still thank god for it. Although nothing is going to be the way it was up in The City, I know I can build up something even better than that. It is simple. And just because we are together, the things will be getting to a point where love can be soiled.

I know I love her. It was destiny who join us. And it was destiny that prepared the way up to the
point of loving her. Destiny encouraged me to get this far, pushing me to see what I had in front of me. To Love her today is to feel alive today. I have now a reason to live my life.

This story was built from love. First I Listened to her, then I Overlooked at her, after that I Valued what we had, and finally I felt Encouraged by destiny. Listen, Overlook, Value, and Encourage means LOVE.

I hope and I encourage everyone who read this to put your life for that special person. Do not let anything bad happens to that person. Fight for her or for him, just do whatever it takes... it won't be in vain. For her I can write stories, walk miles and miles, suffer pain, humble myself, cry rivers, do what I thought I could not do...I can make her my heart, and without her I'd die...

In The City I knew her, and then loved her...

The End

Nov 7, 2009

In The City, Chapter Three

Chapter Three

So everything went great from then on. The feelings were flying around and there was me, ready to keep those feelings... she kept them to. We started feeling something for each other. Innocence and humbleness, passion and tenderness; Love was filled with those.

Our lives finally touched, our ways suddenly were one, and there were no distances between our hearts. It seemed that the light existed only for illuminating our path. We discovered each other, and we needed each other... the circumstances helped, in a way, but I knew at that time that what we had was something worth saving and keeping, like a glass of water in a desert, I was holding on to it.

Troubles raged though, but instead of split us, the storms of problems just make us stick more to each other. We lived so many special scenes, it was a dream, one of those good dreams you do not want to wake up from. But the greatest thing was that the dream was as real as my feelings for her.

When I realized of the wonderful experiences we had, I started to thank god, my destiny, my karma, or whatever the power that controls ours paths, the opportunity to meet her, and being with her. When you value love more than anything else in your world, we are more human and more alive than ever...

Nov 3, 2009

In The City, Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Suddenly, I stopped being a child. My old self came into me and took control of my body. I did not wanted that to happen, but it did. Anger, Jealousy, and a pile of extreme emotions started to flourish. I noticed it when She told me she met someone. I knew she was very social, way more social than I ever was, but I could not control those feelings back then.

I started an inner struggle at that time. I had to fight the fiercest demons. The same demons that have been knocking me down since I could even remember. But she was a reason for winning the battle. I knew she did not realize that I had such a problem going on within me, until one day... a day when I finally asked for a hand for help and some bits of inspiration.

I had overlooked her and the ways in which she could have helped me in my struggle... big mistake. At least, I realized just in time that I was wrong. I cried. She was there. Hearing me, hugging me, giving me hope, cuddles... I felt alive again. The demons were pacified.

I first said: "I won the battle", but soon after I understood and thought: "We... have won the battle"
I learned that she was special, and I can not overlook her presence nor her words of healing anymore. I was about to need her...

Jun 13, 2009

In The City, Chapter One

Chapter One

There's something in everyone of us that makes us special and we don't always notice that. We tend to think only in ourselves and I don't blame us. We've been culturally raised for being individuals, and that's it. But when I reminisce about what had happened in my life, I recognize a big moment, a moment when I stopped thinking about myself, that's when she looked at me.

Gorgeous greenish eyes. Serious and clever, funny and diverting too. Someone with whom I felt comfortable with. Someone to listen, and someone who I could talk to. By the time I woke up... I was in love. Nothing will ever be the same since that day...

I was a child then. My eyes were discovering a new world. The subway, the college, my bed and my bread, everything was new, even my heart. I learned to live with my new family. Mom and Dad were there, and my "I don't want you to be my" sister was there too. She became my support and my friend.

My "sis" and I shared many things. We learned from each other. The night was the veil that covered the livings we spitted out during long "tertulias". I became a "Listener", the first step for what would happen afterwards. But during the following weeks, I received an unpleasant visit from my old self...

May 8, 2009

Eine feine darstellung (A Fine Presentation)

What happened to microteachings? Did I missed something?

Last Tuesday we were spectators of a fine lecture on Hitler and the roots of his hatred against Jews (The Holocaust was a hard prove of that). My classmates did a very good job in reminding us some important elements of the Nazi menace in the early twenties of the last century. Everything was fine, they had video resources, Power Point presentation, a often controversial topic, and many other elements for a successful activity in class. But here's the problem. Wasn't it supposed to be a Microteaching?

We all don't have to think twice to recognize that last Tuesday's presentation was a mere lecture. A very good one, but a lecture at the end. I really missed having myself participating in a more didactic activity were my learning (as a student) would have been the main objective in the presentation.

What I learn from this? I'll be more careful in doing what the teacher asked me to do, or at least the minimum to fulfill the requirements of the assignment, the rest is up to me.

Being creative and always looking forward to apply new ways of teaching are today's fashion in the education circle. Being aware of this is what makes my future profession somewhat more challenging and meaningful.


And here's the song for today's post. Because I'd had some troubles with the recording process, I'll post a song played by their original authors. The song is called Tanz Mit Mir (German for Dance With Me) by Laibach. Enjoy

P.S. The song is in German, so here's the traslation.

DANCE WITH ME by Laibach

We all are possessed
we all are damned
we all are crucified
we all are broken
by attractive technology
by economics of time
by quality of life
and the philosophy of war

one, two, three, four
come dance with me baby brother,
one, two, three, four
give me both your hands
one, two, three, four
dance with me my friends
one, two, three, four
round around, it isn't difficult

we dance to Ado Hinkel
Benzino Napoloni
we dance to Schiekelgrueber
and dance with Maitreya
with Totalitarianism
and with democracy
we dance with Fascism
and red anarchy

one, two, three, four
come dance with me comrade
one, two, three, four
give me both your hands
one, two, three, four
come dance with me comrade
one, two, three, four
round around, it isn't difficult

we dance and we jump
we hop and we sing
we fall and rise
we give or take
American friend and
German comrade
we dance well together
we dance to Baghdad

one, two, three, four
come dance with me baby brother,
one, two, three, four
give me both your hands
one, two, three, four
dance with me my friends,
one, two, three, four
round around, it isn't difficult

Apr 20, 2009

Ready, Set, ...Blog!

Hi! this is my new blog.

I really like this idea of writing and posting in a Blog. Nowadays is very common for people to write down their ideas and experiences and share them with the world. And I wasn't the exception. Through my "Internet life" I've written four Blogs on various topics.

One was a Blog with lots of information about new software , and of course, external download links (or "piracy" if you prefer the more colloquial therm). It was very visited, but I stopped updating it, so I closed it after a few months.

Another Blog I had has now a very special flavor for me. It contained information about my band, and some passages in my life that I consider important, but suddenly, that Blog had to change its scheme to serve as a host for the British Culture class. The reason was that someone had deleted some vital information from the class E-Mail. I had backed up those files in my computer, so I posted them in my Blog and told my classmates to go and download from there everything they needed. Everything was fine until an anonymous message was left in the class E-Mail. It pointed me as the one who had deleted the information from the class E-Mail because I supposedly wanted to make my Blog more popular and visited. I was very surprised and upset firstly, because I didn't deleted the information, and secondly, because my intention was to help my classmates.

That was a very "freak" experience that I wouldn't want to repeat. That's why this Blog is a new opportunity for me to express myself again (and with no interruptions this time). Feel free to comment and WELCOME.

... PS. OH!, I almost forgot. Do you know why is this blog called Chords?, ok, here's the answer. Every week, one post will contain a piece of a song played by me, and recorded by me. The song I chose is for this week's "Chords' Clip" is Prime Time from The Alan Parsons Project. ENJOY!


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